
Below are some of my talks that are featured on YouTube and publicly available.

Genomic prediction and inference from population-scale datasets. I present methods developed in the lab and results from the analysis of 35 blood biomarkers in over 330,000 individuals from the UK Biobank. Columbia University DBMI Seminar.

Massive scale population scale genome data analysis using Global Biobank Engine. I present the use of databases for rapid query of the human genome to phenotype map, i.e. Google Maps of the Human Genome. XLDB Conference at Stanford University.

Large-scale inference across population cohorts. I present methods for the analysis of population-scale genome sequencing data combined with health records. I also present for the first time the discovery of mutations that protect against asthma and glaucoma. UCLA Winter School for Genomics.

Stan applications in human genetics. I present how we use the Bayesian statistical modeling language Stan for analyzing human genetic datasets.

Interview with Stanford Medicine. I talk about my career and joining Stanford University as a faculty member.

These are some of the talks that are publicly available on YouTube. The lab has presented at multiple venues including the American Society of Human Genetics, Biology of Genomes, ISBER Biobanking conference, Precision Medicine World Conference, and European Society of Human Genetics.